Title: “Apostle M.K Ntumy’s Farewell: A Multimedia Journey Captured with Innovation”
In a poignant farewell to Apostle M.K Ntumy, I had the privilege of documenting the memorial service using a cutting-edge combination of technology and creative vision. Employing a Canon R mounted on a DJI RS 3 gimbal and an iPhone 15 Pro Max connected to the DJI Osmo 6, I ventured into a dual-video capture approach, seamlessly blending landscape footage from the Canon R and vertical perspectives from the iPhone.
The choice of equipment was deliberate, aiming to enhance the storytelling experience by presenting the viewer with a comprehensive visual narrative. The Canon R, with its superior lens and cinematic capabilities, beautifully captured the grandeur of the landscape, providing a wide-angle view that embraced the solemnity of the occasion.
Simultaneously, the iPhone 15 Pro Max, dynamically connected to the DJI Osmo 6 and integrated with the DJI RS 3 gimbal, delivered a vertical perspective. This choice allowed for an intimate portrayal of moments, focusing on the faces, emotions, and intricate details that defined the atmosphere of the service.